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Grand Hall News

January 18, 2023

The Grand Hall and the program around it - more is not possible!

Events in the Grand Hall Zollverein: This is no longer limited to the former compressor hall alone. The World Heritage site is also being used for more and more events, especially the coking plant.


Regardless of the season, it is the industrial charm of incorporating the outdoor area that is particularly convincing. Workshops, meetings or events can be held indoors - while the company's own fair or a small winter market awaits guests outside.

In addition, many companies appreciate Zollverein's general cultural offerings. "If you invite your customers and partners and start with a guided tour through the Ruhr Museum or over the slagheaps, you offer real added value," knows Gerald Pott, Managing Director of the Grand Hall. At the same time, he says, his team implements the sustainable strategy of the one-stop location in cooperation with all partners and suppliers. "So that the event is not only well-rounded, but also as resource-friendly as possible."

The Steiger knows all about it! Experience our guided tours of the UNESCO World Heritage Site with Peter Iwinski

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Sustainability in the event industry: Grand Hall commissions heat pump for climate-friendly room air cooling with 100% green electricity

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Close to the customer: The Grand Hall Zollverein in-house exhibition concept

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