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Grand Hall News

Project of the month October: Celebrating 150 years of Brenntag

Brenntag, the global market leader in the distribution of chemicals and ingredients, celebrated its 150th anniversary in Essen, where the DAX 40 company has its headquarters. Numerous guests from the chemical industry, customers, suppliers and other business partners as well as guests of honor such as German Chancellor Olaf Scholz attended the ceremony in the Grand Hall at Zollverein.
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Grand Hall Zollverein further expands its furniture and technology collection

The Essen-based special event location Grand Hall Zollverein is consistently expanding its range of services by investing in its in-house technology and furniture pool. The operators of the 4,000 square meter event hall at the Zollverein coking plant have used the summer break to add several hundred pieces of furniture to their inventory. With their investment, the makers of the Grand Hall are pursuing the goal of being able to host events with up to 500 participants without the need for external service providers.
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On tour with the mobile disco in the 1980s - today a multi-entrepreneur in the event industry

Spotlights, loudspeakers, a handful of cables and creativity. It didn't take much more for two guys to lay the foundations for their group of companies with event technology for trade fairs and events (yes, a real garage story!). It all started with a mobile disco - we're talking about the mid-1980s. Tom Koperek and his friend, now his long-standing business partner Sven Robusch, used it to create an atmosphere in and around the Ruhr area after school. It was worth it: "For us at just 18 years old, we were already earning quite well," says Koperek. It gave them such a boost that they decided to train as lighting and stage technicians and go on tour with theater and show productions.
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Local patriot through and through: Gerald Pott leads the Grand Hall team

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Simply letting go is particularly good for organizers!

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Thrown in at the deep end with pleasure: Laurence Böcker immediately feels at home in the Grand Hall team

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Innovative solutions, products and services in the service industry: annual KVD Service Congress once again invites members to the Grand Hall

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If you want to organize events, trade fairs and congresses successfully, everything has to be just right!

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Familiar with event management from the ground up:

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She prefers to turn the really big wheels: event specialist feels at home in special industrial settings

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Rarely seen at his desk: Daniel Kölle, the technical manager of the Grand Hall.

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Our lucky charm for almost 30 years

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Conversion makes events in the Grand Hall as energy-efficient as possible

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"It's often easier to just talk in person" - For Mareike Kuntke, direct exchange is what makes for success

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The serenity already brought along: Event manager develops ideas together with the customers

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More of a district match doesn't get any better than this: Germany's best supermarket honored in the Grand Hall.

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Implement a specific room design? Best to decide now.

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The most important event in German tourism: International and glamorous start in the Grand Hall ZOLLVEREIN

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Big names in the Grand Hall Zollverein

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First listening, then pulling the strings in the background: "Blue Wheels" turns big wheels at events in the Grand Hall ZOLLVEREIN.

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The kitchen fair GfM-Trend - arrived at the Grand Hall Zollverein

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The Grand Hall and the program around it - more is not possible!

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You can do it again and you should - plan the 2023 Christmas corporate event!

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The perfect congress? It's all a question of planning!

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Shopping greener, eating greener, anything goes. But organizing greener?!?

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Who still wants virtual events?

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Corona-compliant events - state-of-the-art ventilation technology in the Grand Hall Zollverein

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Safe events in the Grand Hall Zollverein

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Intracoustics Innovation Show

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GTW Summit

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The best choir in the West - preliminary round in the Grand Hall Zollverein

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E.ON Innovation Days 2019 for the first time in the Grand Hall Zollverein

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WeinTour 2019 - for the first time in Essen

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No. 1 in the BlachReport Location Ranking 2019

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