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Grand Hall News

October 25, 2023

If you want to organize events, trade fairs and congresses successfully, everything has to be just right!

The Grand Hall stands for high-class events and has made a name for itself in the B2B sector throughout Germany. During the summer break, extensive investments have now been made in technology, furniture and equipment with the aim of once again increasing the attractiveness of the event location. "In this way, we are meeting the wishes and needs of our customers, who not only want a unique atmosphere and a high degree of sustainability for their events, but also optimal equipment," says Managing Director Gerald Pott.

The result is something to be seen and heard: The completely refurbished meeting rooms in the Schalthaus shine in a new color and lighting concept, and at the same time the in-house furniture pool was expanded to include matching conference furniture. The permanently installed event technology was also brought up to date. The focus here was on sustainability, energy efficiency and perfecting the existing installation. The sound system, for example, is based on a sophisticated simulation concept. The 40 new loudspeakers guarantee excellent acoustics with maximum speech intelligibility.

More than just a side effect: With the high-end modernization as well as the complete conversion to LED lighting, energy costs are now saved by up to 75%. Regional suppliers, a modern district heating system and the supply of 100 percent green electricity, including for the 10 newly installed fast charging points in front of the hall, come on top.

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